Some shortcomings of current education have increasingly become clear to me and I was keen to discuss them with the students. One is the curriculum, and how little diversity is represented in what I teach and why. What role models am I offering to my students? Can they identify in them? The answer is a resounding NO, there is very little in terms of ethnical, cultural, gender and physical diversity in our text books.

Which begs the question, how much does being ‘different’ from the role model we present them with, affects our students, at Uni and throughout their life. How may potentially excellent Scientists don’t make it to University because they are expected to fail by those who surround them and by themselves?

Again, we are put in boxes, sometimes we put ourselves in boxes, and it takes courage and strength to get out of them. Many of our students have had that courage and strength, the role models missing from our curriculum are right in front of us.

Read the Blog posted in this web site and I am sure you will be as inspired by their reflections as I am.
We would love to hear from you, share your thoughts with us anytime.