I admit that the timing of this pandemic could have not been worse for me. It came at the end of my second year and it has completely changed how my third and last year here will be. A time which I hoped would be exciting and full of new experiences has now been reduced to working from my desk at home and going on a run every now and then. Very different from what I thought it would be.
But, while I admit that the changes that this situation has bought are in majority not good, I also confess that it has taught me many valuable lessons and made me more appreciative of things which I had not considered important up until now.
Something as simple as going to class, which had been a bother for me in more than one occasion (I hate waking up early) has become something that I miss dearly. There has been many days where I have felt unmotivated to “attend” online lectures and continue with my work. If I already found it hard to pay attention to a whole lecture before, it has become something nearly impossible right now. I have procrastinated more than ever before.
However, I have noticed that there are a few factors which help me stay motivated during this difficult and chaotic year.
I obviously find that when the topic discussed is interesting to me I instantly concentrate on the lecture without having to make an effort. But I obviously do not find every topic discussed in every lecture equally interesting. Here is what helps me stay focused when the topic itself does not.
First of all, I find building an online community with everyone participating in the lecture really helpful. In a good environment, where you can ask questions and share opinions, it becomes much easier for me to stay motivated. Even when I do not find the topic as interesting, a good discussion is really stimulating to me. I find that working from home can make it feel like lectures are not real, so this is a good way to remind me that they are and they count just as much.
Another very important aspect is how the lecturer teaches class, which has always been something that very much affects my level of motivation towards it. Sitting down and listening to someone talk for two hours straight can be very boring, most of the times I hardly do any work on the last 30 minutes of each lecture, and I find that this happens even more with online ones. When I see that they have made an effort to make a lecture interesting and interactive, my attitude changes completely and I am willing to participate.
Something else that has affected a lot of people this past few months is loneliness. I can help but feeling isolated sometimes. The university campus is nearly empty every time I go, and it always makes me sad thinking that everyone is home. I think it is both the university’s and our responsibility to ensure that there are still social activities accessible for every student so we can still have the opportunity to make the most of what being in the university means.
Extracurricular activities have helped me a lot. My social interactions have obviously decreased a lot in the last few months and there have been times where I have felt very isolated. Making an effort to participate in clubs or join societies is a good way to meet new people and socialize in this difficult time. I believe it is worth it to adapt them to this new situation so that meetings can still happen and make an effort to keep them interesting for every member.
The last few months have been difficult for everyone, and I have had a hard time accepting that this year would be very different from what I expected. However, I try to focus on the positives that this has bought me and the lessons it has taught me. I am very excited for what it yet to come!